21 July 2011


but it feels like Friday!!! Why? Because Mike doesn't work tomorrow & I did Curves today so I won't have too tomorrow! 5 hours til the WEEKEND! We're going to Tucson again. To see Penelope of course! Mike wants to see where she is in the repair/repainting department. Did I tell you that the repair coverage was upped to $10,000 by USAA! Meaning USAA is paying the repair shop nearly $10,000 to repaint the car! At first it was only $3800! Yikes, Gikes! Anyways, we're heading up there tomorrow.

So apparently Mike is doing awesome with eating better. He took his lunch yesterday & he took it today. Not the salad like he should but sandwiches which is fine by me. He's taking & eating lunch & that's what matters! Last night we were suppose to have stir-fry but the frozen veg mix wasn't good anymore & neither were the skrimps (yes, skrimps). We didn't really have the fresh veggies (we probably could've improvised) but we both weren't in good moods so we switched. I suggested quesadillas since we had chicken out & we had 3 leftover tortillas & a little bit of shredded cheese. We also had black beans(which I added cumin too) & I added the tiny bit of leftover mexican rice to them. Mike was going to make 3 half quesadillas, silly boy, but I suggested just making a 3 layer quesdilla which turned out to be genius! We shredded some mozzarella & pepperjack snack sticks (btw, precious pepperjack snack sticks are GROSS by themselves. both mike & I agree on that. 2 women recommended them at the store but they were soooooo wrong!). Dinner ended up being awesomely amazing! Yum Yum! Back to boring chicken & salmon tonight. Hmm, chicken salad sounds good for me. Yums!

Well....my health took a minor turn for not good but I got to experience my first EKG! My doctor put me on bp pills because she didn't like my high bp (which it's always been) so I was on pill D for a month, didn't work, so she doubled the dose last week. Apparently it worked too well & it caused problems with my heart when I worked out. I knew when I went in today for my bp check that me telling them this fact would lead to a change in medicine. I did not expect to have to have an EKG. They kept saying "shortness of breath", which I didn't have! Geesh! I could breathe fine, oxygen just wasn't getting to my heart(or it felt like it, oxygen was getting to it or else I'd be dead right now). So anyways, I got sent for an EKG which is kinda scary to hear & know but it was a piece of cake. Everything was fine which I knew it would be. I knew it was the meds causing the problems. So I got squeezed in between 2 of my doc's appts because shocker, she had no openings! Dose lowered & new pill, let's hope this works.

Welp, that's all folks! Tschuess!

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