19 July 2011


Today is going by slow & I think I'm about to go insane! Seriously I tell ya! I kept waking up last night which meant I slept super hard this morning. I woke up at 10, 11, 1, 4:30, 6, 7, & ultimately at 8. It was quite frustrating & when I sleep like that it is super hard to fully wake up/enough to get out of bed. I needed to go do my BP check today so up I was. Guess what, still high. The medic told me if any BP was high he had to get a bitch nurse. Left arm was fine, right was high. So, he took the results to my doctor's nurse & he tells me to schedule an appt. The whole time I kept repeating that this was the 1st check with the new dose & I already had another appt in 2 1/2 weeks! They did not listen. My (doctor's) nurse came out & once again told me to make an appt. I re-explained it again & he told me if it's not lower by day 7 I have to make a follow up. They act like follow ups are within a few days, they are not. My last "follow up" was 2 weeks later. I had to make another follow up(did so the day of my appt) to go over test results from a month ago & the soonest opening they had was 3 weeks later which is August 4th. So, I'm going back on Thursday for another check (I'm suppose to do 4-5) & I'm sure I'll be told again to make a follow up. It's quite pointless. I've always had high bp & their meds aren't making any difference.

Dinner! Tonight we're having chicken & swordfish. I tell ya, the people who cut portions for the swordfish need to learn to make them the same size. 3 packets, 3 sizes. There's a small portion, a medium one, & a large one. I KNOW the small portion will not be enough for Mike seeing as his diet has him eating 6 ounces of meat a meal. We had a good dinner last night. We had long & wild rice, broccoli, chicken, & a very hearty salad. It ended up being a huge salad! I used regular salad mix, fresh romaine, spinach, & shredded carrots. Yes I actually put fresh spinach in our salad, my sissy would be shocked! I don't like spinach & I definitely knew when I had some but I survived! We added parmesan cheese & croutons. Parmesan Garlic croutons! Oh yum! I also had tomatoes in my salad. I had maybe 1-2 ounces of rice, all my salad, & then could only eat 1 oz of chicken. I find it funny that I am starving during the day (this week) but I can only eat a small amount at dinner. We then watched the food network & I was hungry again. Stupid show. Oh & I'm pretty sure Mike threw away the rest of the tomato I cut. Punk Ass! I chopped 2 roma tomatoes & only used maybe 1. It is definitely a pain cutting/tearing the romaine lettuce & spinach leaves. Then shredding the carrots! The hubs got baby carrots so it's super fun shredding those. I just know I'm going to "shred" my finger one time. :) Oh well, I'll get an ER visit out of it. I've never been in the ER before(for myself), I wonder what it's like. Not that I WANT to be injured enough to have to go.

Well, I've babbled on enough. I was just trying to pass some time. I've done all my errands (the bp check) & even all the cleaning I wanted to do today. It's only 2! Geesh! Tschuess!

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