What's new?!?! Let's see. The dogs have been huge pain in the butts lately. They're very whiney & insistant! They whine to be fed an hour before it's time & lately at time they insist on a treat. Hershey will sit pretty, you ask him what he wants, & he'll look over towards the treats. These dogs, they are just too smart. I got to see some smartness from Cinnamon recently too. Hersh came through the doggy door & Cinn started going through while it was swung out (towards the outside). Of course when she started walking through it started moving with her so she backed up a tiny bit & bumped the door/flap with her head & ran through real quick. I was amazed! The previous owner must've had a doggy door too because I have no idea where she learned that.
Mike's car, he's finally getting it back again. See, he bought this new supercharger a few months ago & he's just been waiting to get the car back so he could have a friend install it. Well, Monday he handed it over to this guy & it was suppose to be down by the time he left Monday. Then it was 'Tuesday morning', then 'at 8pm', then 'Wednesday morning'. He wrote Mike at 7:30am to tell him it'd be done by 8:30. Thank goodness, I was beyond annoyed! I couldn't sleep in because I had to take him Tuesday (he didn't want to take my car because he was suppose to get his back) & I had plans today that I had to be late for because of taking him. Not big deals really but I've been bitchy lately.
Weight & Health- I've been kicking ass on my new eating plan. I'm getting all my 6 servings a day. Weekends are my cheap days & apparently I cheated WAY too much because all the weight I lost last week I gained again. I had hoped Monday & Tuesday awesomeness would cancel the weekend's bad but nope. Back to only 6.5 lbs lost instead of 8.7. It sucks but I'm trying to not soothe myself with food. Trouble is, I just really do not want a salad today. It's the last thing in the world I want but I get 4 servings of veggies with those. 4! 66.7% of my daily need I tell ya! So, I'm doing pretty awesome with staying on course but some days are harder. Today is just uber hard. :|
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