19 August 2011


Hello Hello! How are you? Things here are good. Mike's car is finally home! I was far past done with that car & it's repaint. I didn't really care when we went to pick it up either. But.... I have to admit, the paint job is amazing!!! The color is crazy awesome! They did a really great job, even if it took them 7 freaking weeks!!! Argh! But it's home & I have my car back.

Our weekend started at 10 am this morning. Mike usually gets home around noon but I guess since it was the last day they got off super early. We didn't do anything exciting but oh well. Our weekend has started. :)

My new eating plan....ugh! I am so sick of vegetables & I'm looking forward to relaxing a little this weekend. I literally have to plan my whole day of eating as soon as I wake up. I won't do that on the weekends. I'll try to get veggies in but I'm not going to worry about getting all 6. I weighed myself on our home scale & I was 1 lb lighter. Not a lot but I was expecting to see a higher number than I did at Curves 3 weeks ago. I should weigh myself tomorrow to see how I'm doing. Not that I've been super uber strict but 6 vegs a day has to have some good benefits. Or at least I'm hoping it will. :) Tonight I tried a new veggie, Butternut Squash. Mike bought this thing WEEKS ago when he decided he was going to be all P90X strict. He's no longer doing the eating plan & he didn't even get any to eat for dinner. He did try half of a piece & of course hated it. I didn't care for it either but I ate about 1/2 a serving of them. I may not like them but I still need the veg-ness of it. :) I definitely need to get him more on board with the eating. He's very stubborn!!!

I have pretty pretty nails!!! I'm enjoying painting my nails every so often. The dark purple color I got does not go on well, I don't know why. I put on the pretty pink one today & of course chipped 8 of my 10 nails while doing dishes. I did a repair paint job on them. They don't look awesome but oh well, they're still pretty. I love this color! Very vibrant & girly! :)

1 comment:

  1. ewww squash lol...it does not sound like fun having to eat that many veggies a day! I'm so picky it would be super hard for me :( and woohoo on painting your nails ;)
