04 August 2011

Jenny Dream???

This post is strictly a "jenny dream" post. Nothing to do with our family so if you want, go ahead & skip this post. For those that don't know I've been visited by my friend Jenny who passed away Oct 28th, 2007. She was one of my best friends. Our wake up this morning was 3:45, ugh so early, & I was startled out of my dream, thank goodness the Jenny part was already over. It didn't hit me that it was a Jenny dream til I was doing my hair & then I thought "oh my gosh, I had a Jenny dream". Here is the dream. (to read about the last Jenny dream, click.....HERE)

It took place at my parent's house & for some reason Jenny's brother, C, was there & we were talking. He was comforting me but I don't remember why. All of a sudden I was leaning back in a chair & C was cooking something is the microwave when he noticed I was tear-ing up. (ok, C has NEVER been in my house so why this dream took place there I don't know. Also, I hardly know C ((other than J's sister & working with him a few times)) but this is the second 'jenny' dream he's been in.) C asked me what was wrong & I told him that I just miss Jenny alot. I tell him about the dreams I've had with her & at first he thinks I'm crazy but then believes me. What's weird & how this was a 'jenny dream' was because I kept seeing Jenny instead of C & I kept calling him Jenny. They do look alike so I brushed it off in the dream but I kept seeing her & wanting to say her name. I think it really was her though. Here's the horrible part. I've always worried that I'd never get to see Jenny again in a dream & I'm pretty sure this was the last one. In the dream I told C that I don't think I'll ever see Jenny in a dream again & he agreed. *sad face* I think Jenny was telling me that was her final dream. That definitely makes me sad. For one, I didn't realize it was a Jenny dream at the time & that's not fair. I didn't know it was goodbye but I guess that's how our last IM was. I love being able to see & talk to Jenny in dreams. Those dreams truly are the most amazing experiences & I will dearly miss them. I miss her so much. :(

1 comment:

  1. I can't imagine what it's like to loose a friend and I'm so sorry you had to go through that :( I am a big believer in dreams, as I have had very vivid ones my entire life (I was told by a medium that dreams are my way of seeing things, weird right?) Maybe this is her way of letting go, maybe she knows you are okay after all these years and is okay to move on. Just because she won't be in your dreams anymore doesn't mean she is out of your life, I bet she still checks in on you all the time :)
