03 July 2012


Today was my first weekly OB appt. I admit since my last appt I've been so anxious to get everything ready for the hospital. Nothing like being admitted to kick you in the ass & tell you "hey, baby could come any day". I didn't go crazy prepping because I still had 6 weeks til she's due and my bp was nearly perfect at the hospital. Still, there was still always that "you need to be ready in case....". I washed, santized, & prepped quite a bit for baby. My diaper bag is about half packed & my hospital suitcase(small) is basically empty. Should I have been sent back to the hospital today I probably would've been fully ready by next week BUT I wasn't. BP still high but high normal. No concern! I can rest easily for another week & hope for the best next week. The BIG week. We have labor class & an ultrasound next week. An exciting week! :)

Her name, our munchkin's name. We're close. It's down to 2. I've yet to talk to Mike about them because it never seems like the right time. Why is it so hard for me to bring up what we want to name her? I don't know. But I do know it's between 2 names. 2 good names! :)

Mike is rocking it on exercise. He goes to the gym often and he's been doing nightly walks with the dogs. I usually am too sore or not feeling well. I'm hoping to be able to start going again soon. This week though it's been gloomy & stormy. You don't know if it's going to rain or not & here it starts at the drop of dime and it starts out HARD! If we were in the middle of our walk we'd be completely soaked within 2 mins. Just what I need, the extra weight of drenched clothes. It's hard enough with the weight I already have. :) But I'm proud of Mike. He has a PT test at the end of this month.

Welp, that's all folks!

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