30 September 2011


It's been a while since I've blogged here. I've been quite busy with the whole healthy eating & exercising stuff. Wooh, it's hard work I tell ya. Not much else has really been happening.

Mike is still doing his pulmonology stuff. Still trying to figure out what's going on. We should have answers soon I hope and then we can go from there. There has been some headway with that but until we know for sure what's going on I won't say. I will say that we found out Mike is highly(& some not so highly) allergic to some things. Some grasses, plants, trees, that sort of things. So we have a few answers but we're waiting on more.
As for me, things are well. The adrenal meds/supplements are working great. I feel alot better & I definitely have more energy/stamina. I've lost 22.5 lbs in just under 3 months. I'm eating VERY healthy (like uber healthy yo!) & working my ass off, literally! Curves 3 times a week & walking 6 days a week usually twice a day. I do 3-4 miles a day during the week. Slowly going farther & longer. In 3 weeks I racked up 50 miles. WOOO HOOO! And according to endomondo, I've burned 15 burgers! That cracks me up & delights me. To know I've worked off 15 burgers. I've had 3-4 during that time but still. Haha! 3-4 burgers or not, I lost 11.5 lbs in September & that's awesome! I can't wait to hit 25, then 30, then 35, etc. I can't wait. I love knowing I'm actually making a difference and that this time, my hard work is actually paying off. :) I'm FINALLY starting to see changes in my body too. Finally!


  1. Are those supplements you are taking for weight loss? I could for damn sure use some help! lol, and good job on the weight loss!! keep it up!

  2. They are not for weight loss, they're just to fix my adrenal defiency. They're not working even close to correctly right now but in a few months my adrenal glands should be back to normal I hope. :)
