Can you believe it's JULY already? That half of 2011 is over. I find it kind of sad. But I won't get into that cause who wants a debby downer post?! :)
The weather has been interesting. We got rain Wednesday & Thursday which we desperately needed. We're suppose to get rain again Sunday & Monday. Our nice "break" in rain on Friday & Saturday means it's MUGGY!!! Ugh! It's so humid & sticky. It's 5:23 & I feel like I'm in a sauna. Yesterday I walked the dogs at 6:30 am & I was sweating by halfway. Not because we went very far or because we were walking fast. We only went around the block, which is probably a 5 minute walk, but I let them sniff & saunter along. The sun is what make me sweat, it was so bright & hot at 6:30 in the morning!!! Nasty
We had a decent Friday. I woke up at 4:30 & even though I slept like schiesse and was fully out of it I went to Curves. Ok, I went to Curves because after I turned off my alarm I was wide awake. I wake up 30 minutes early, I felt so exhausted & knew there was no way I could drag my butt out of bed for Curves & if I did it'd be pointless. Been there, tried that, was pointless. So I decided to turn off my alarm & just sleep til whenever. Bam, Awake! Not FULLY awake but that "crap, there's no way I'm going back to sleep so I might as well get up". So I did & I headed to Curves. I tried to weigh in but the damn scale would not settle. I had this problem before when it said I had lost 25 lbs in 6 wks. Then Curved move to a new place & I magically gained back 21 lbs in 9 days. Yeah, what a crash to realize all that "weight loss" was a freaking cruel joke by the scale. So anyways, I stepped on the scale but it wouldn't settle so I called over Sorina (curves' "couch") so she can watch the scale. I figured if I didn't have to keep looking down it might settle. It wouldn't not! It kept jumping from **2.5 to **9.0. Six & a Half Pounds! So fine, whatever, I won't find out if I've lost weight. I know "figure it's in the middle" but that sucks so screw that. I've busted my ass the last 2 weeks. I work harder than ANYONE else at Curves. Granted one person does do 3 rounds but I think I still push myself harder. I don't go as long but every machine I push myself as hard as I can until I'm limping along. Yesterday I'd take an extra 30 seconds (on the second round) every few machines to catch my breathe so I can go hard core again. You're think "of course you think you work out harder" but a number of people have told me the same thing and getting the "is she ok" looks isn't rare. (I moan, groan, grunt, speak to myself when I'm really pushing myself. I can't help it, the shits hard man! :) ) Now, I'm not trying to pat myself on the back. My point is I push myself so hard & I don't eat that horrible. I eat pretty good. And yet I'm not losing weight. So new lady, been there maybe a month, got on the scale & I told her how it wouldn't settle for me. She replied "well, it set for me" & she sounded disappointed. I felt bad for her, I know it sucks when you don't see a lose. Nope, she's lost 12 lbs so far. *Loud Internal Grumble* Glad Curves works for someone else. ;( Ok, enough. I came home & since I kinda limped the last few machines I decided to take the dogs for a walk. They enjoyed it. :) I decided to stay up because it always takes me a while to fall back asleep & Mike really is an ass when he's woken up. So I played on the computer til 9. I walked into the room & Hersh is laying on the floor by the footboard wagging his tail. I was talking to him & he just kept wagging his tail so I called him into the livingroom so I could give him a rubdown. Mr. Merl isn't normally the "pet me pet me pet me" one but I guess yesterday he wanted to be. :) It was kinda nice for him to be lovey & towards me. In case you don't know, both dogs are daddy's dog. They ADORE Mike. They put up with me. Once in a while they will cuddle & love on me for no reason. :) So anywho, surprisingly Mike woke up soon after & our day started. "Bad Teacher" was playing here at 10:50 & even though Mike doesn't like Cameron Diaz he wanted to see the movie because he didn't want to stay home. Haha. Gotta love when you go to the movies just because you don't have anything else to do & you don't feel like sitting at home. We've done that a few times. So anyways, I did want to see it & I'm glad we did. It was actually a really good movie. JT was really weird in it but the story line was cute. Well, the romance was cute. For lunch we went to Chipotle & I got a chicken bowl with lettuce. A few years ago I started adding lettuce to nachos & I fell in love. Delicious! The bowl actually wasn't very big but I only ate half. Then again, I did get lots of popcorn. My freaking weakness, I LOVES movie popcorn! We came home & chilled the rest of the night. Mike insisted on watching stupid stupid shows & I went to bed at 10.
Today, Haha! Today we get a rental car! We get a rental car because Mike's car is going into the shop to get repaired/painted & it's suppose to take a month. Oh what will my guy do without his beloved mustang? What will he do having to fill up only half as much as the 'stang required? I do not know!
ARGH!!!! I just finished this stupid post, spell checked it, clicked publish & it went to the sign in page. It also did not save the rest of my post. ARGH ARGH ARGH!!!
Ok back. A summary of what I wrote already. We're going to Tucson for Penelope, mike calls her Peen-elope. That's his car. We're getting a rental car & it should be a good size one. Like G6 or Malibu size. Mike wants a G6 so we'll have 2 in the driveway. He's a dork! After that we're going to go see Transformer. Possibly in 3D if we miss the earlier showing (regular screen). After that, Joe's Crabshack. Mike will enjoy his seafood, I will enjoy my drinks. I will probably get the cajun chicken sandwich or whatever. Yay! I'm writing this pissed off because I had all kinds of funnyness already written but stupid blogger signed me off & didn't save that crap. ARGH!
I do not know what the rest of the day holds or the rest of the weekend but time will tell. Tschuess!
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