The sun is surely shining here. It's been in the 100's this week, ugh! This weekend is suppose to be 100 + rain/storms! Double Yuck! But when I say Sunshine, I mean our baby girl! She loves the song "You are my Sunshine". Almost every time I play it on my phone (& hold it to my belly) she'll react. She loves any music played though. I've also started singing it to her & today she reacted to my singing. Maybe to tell me it was bad, who knows. :) I don't know if this little girl will ever know how truly loved & how truly wanted she was. No one who hasn't struggled with infertility will ever know the pain or heartache and will never know the depth of the love you develop even before conception. I will never be able to show her how much I love her, even if I kissed her non-stop for the rest of her life. She is such an amazing blessing & I can't wait to hold her in my arms. I can't wait to see her, smell her, hold her, comfort her, & love on her. She is my sunshine & she is my everything! My dream come true!
Names, we are getting close. I know she will either be Katie or Allie! I've narrowed it down to 3 names! One of which Mike doesn't like BUT it may be our compromise name. He dreamt of & wants "Allie" but the Allie name he likes I'm on the fence with. At times I love it & times I hate it. The second Allie name is the one he doesn't like. "Katie" is the name I've had picked out since I was 18 so...10 years. Gosh I'm old! He likes the Katie name but he doesn't like my spelling. I'm telling you this man is picky! We're both stubborn so it's been really hard. At times I feel she's a Katie & other times I feel she's an Ally/Allie. Mike also likes the spelling 'Allie' & no other way! I'm telling you, we're two super stubborn people! But I am usually the one who gives in. I don't know if I can give into the Allie name he likes though. We need to discuss it but it never seems like the right time. Oh well, at least I know for sure we're narrowed down to 3 names! Or I am. :) She could surprise us & be born on August 12th, Mimi's birthday. Then she could be named Melissa & I'd call her Ellie. I've decided that I'm not letting one or two people decide what we name our daughter. I don't care who or what was named it before or how this person was associated with the family. This is OUR daughter & that is the name Mimi picked. It is OUR choice whether we use it.
The rest of us are doing good. Baby girl is getting bigger & making me more & more uncomfortable. Mike doesn't seem to understand & he still expects me to be a sprite young thing. He doesn't understand how painful walks can be or how lack of sleep affects me. He's a man! He has a PT test in about 6 weeks, hopefully he'll be good for it. The dogs are good. Spoiled still but they're becoming more momma dogs at times. It's odd but I'll find them crowded around me or snuggling with me when I'm use to them being daddy's dogs. Don't get me wrong, they are still Daddy's dogs but they're having mommy moments. Especially Cinnamon, she's followed me more. :) Welp, I guess that's it for what's new. Tschuess!