08 November 2011


Today is our 8th Wedding Anniversary! We beat the odds & proved many wrong. We still love each other & are in love with each other. 8 years ago I married my high school sweetheart & my soulmate! My Everything!

I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him & I can't wait to see where life & the army takes us! It's been a journey & I know it will continue to be a wild ride.

03 November 2011


November Rocks!!! I know it's going to be the best month of 2011. The 1st was our baby boy's 8th birthday, the 8th is our 8th Wedding Anniversary, the 15th is our baby girl's 3rd birthday! Also, we have a nephew's birthday, my sister's birthday, & best yet, THANKSGIVING!!! My family is coming for Thanksgiving! Super yay! So excited, this month ROCKS!!!

Mike: he's still trying to get all that health mess taken care of. He did get a temporary profile so no PT test for another 90 days which is good I guess. Hopefully by Feb all this stuff will be taken care of & he'll either be on the right meds or he'll get the permanent profile. Getting the temp. profile has taken a lot of stress off of him & me. Without it he would've had to pass the PT test by the end of this month, 3 1/2 weeks away, so as to not get a poor evaluation come January. So, we are breathing easier now. ;)

Me: I joined a 90 mile November(Movember) challenge. Oh my gosh!!! Last month was not great for losing weight. My least favorite aunt finally showed & I gain a lb, then the next week I wasn't able to kick that lb back off. I was disappointed because I thought I did good last week. Oh well I suppose. This week is a new week & I'm kicking ASS! I still do my normal stuff (walking) but I started a few weeks ago going to the gym also. I started mainly to keep a friend company so she'd go but now I look forward to it. Last week I was walking 3-4 miles a day, this week I'm walking 4-6 a day. Talk about exhausting! My eating is super on point this week too. I did have 2 mini candy bars on halloween but come on! The bowl was in my lap! Well, we had pizza on monday too. Ok, Tues-today has been ON POINT! I keep getting cravings after dinner. Buttered bread, candy, junk I guess. Mike bought Autumn Harvest ice cream from Schwann's last night. It is pumpkin ice cream with cinnamon & pecans! Not big on nuts in ice cream but pumpkin & cinnamon! I am going to DEVOUR it tomorrow night!!! I knew if we tried it last night I would've wanted a full scoop. I can't wait to taste it! :) Fri-Sun are my not so strict days. I try to still be pretty strict on Friday but we've been having girl lunches so it's kinda hard to eat healthy with all that yummy food around. ;) I am trying to pay more attention to food on the weekends too. I had really slipped on actually still trying to eat veggies. I had gone into total pigging out on the weekends. Trying not to do that anymore. :) It's just so tasty to pig out though. :) So though I am discouraged by only losing 4 lbs last month, I am still 25 lbs lighter. I'm not using diet pills, shake diets, or got surgery. I am doing this the natural way, diet & exercise(ing my ass off). I'm so ready to hit 50 lbs!

Not too much else really going on. We have just over a month left in AZ until we're CA bound! YAY!!!